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Script per aggiornamento Dynamic DNS
Di Admin (del 03/09/2007 @ 14:27:48, in Internet, linkato 1762 volte)
Con questo script e' possibile tenere sincronizzato il servizio di IP dinamico fornito da Nettica.com (o, adattando la richiesta HTTP, un altro servizio equivalente) da un qualsiasi pc con Windows.

Lo script ha bisogno dell'applicazione wget.exe memorizzata nella cartella /utils.


@echo off

set USERNAME=foo
set PASSWORD=fooPassword
set FQDN=mysite.domain.com

if NOT EXIST SPOOL goto MakeSpool
if NOT EXIST utils\wget.exe goto noWget

move spool\current_ip spool\old_ip
REM Let's read current IP

.\Utils\wget.exe http://ip.nettica.com:8245/ -O spool\current_ip

REM Setting environment variables to old and current IPs
set /P CURR_IP=IPset /P OLD_IP=IPif "%CURR_IP%"=="%OLD_IP%" goto end

echo Updating IP!
.\Utils\wget.exe -S --no-check-certificate -O NUL "https://www.nettica.com/Domain/Update.aspx?U=%USERNAME%&PC=%PASSWORD%&FQDN=%FQDN%&N=%CURR_IP%"


rem Wait
goto loop

md spool
goto doneSpool

echo Please, download wget.exe and put it into utils sub-directory