The format of the SMS retrived in PDU mode

From now we will not consider the header of the SMS retrieved in PDU mode. We will consider only the part after the lenght of the SMS (from character 23)
To better understand the format of the coded text follow this example:

We have an SMS like this: C3 64 F0 09
Invert the bytes and we'll obtain this string: 09 F0 64 C3
Then convert in binary code the hex string: 1001111 1000001 1001001 1000011
Divide the string in groups of seven bits from right and obtain the following:
  1. 1000011
  2. 1001001
  3. 1000001
  4. 1001111
In hexadecimal notation:
  1. 1000011 = 43 = C
  2. 1001001 = 49 = I
  3. 1000001 = 41 = A
  4. 1001111 = 4F= O
And finally we'll have our SMS: "CIAO"
By Luca 'ellekappa' Spallarossa 30/4/1999
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