How to send a flash SMS


How to send a flash SMS

1) Write your sms and save it to the SIM

2) Open a terminal program (like HyperTerminal) and open the virtual com port created by Nokia Data Suite (9600 baud, 8 bit data, 1 bit stop, no parity)

3) Send AT+CMGF=0

4) Send AT+CMGL

5) This will retrieve the list of the SMS saved on the SIM in PDU mode (to see them in text mode write AT+CMGF=1 at point 3)

 6) Select the hexadecimal string representing your sms and remember the third number that the phone return (this is the lenght of your SMS)

7) Copy the string in notepad and change the 17' character from '0' to 'F'

8) Send AT+CMGW= and press Return (the SMS lenght is returned when you typed AT+CMGL)

9) Paste the modified string to your terminal and press CTRL+Z to end editing

10) Forward the message to the cellular number you want

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